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The Lnp

Renegade LNP Senator Loses Court Bid


Gerard Rennick, a former LNP senator, brought a legal challenge against the party. He alleged that the LNP had engaged in unlawful conduct by failing to properly investigate his expulsion from the party.

Court Decision

The court dismissed Rennick's case, finding that the LNP had acted lawfully in its investigation and expulsion of Rennick. The court found that the LNP had a reasonable basis for concluding that Rennick had breached the party's code of conduct.

LNP's Response

The LNP welcomed the court's decision. The party said that it was confident that it had acted fairly and lawfully in its dealings with Rennick. The LNP stated that it was committed to upholding its code of conduct and ensuring that all members are treated fairly.


Rennick's court loss is a significant defeat for him and his supporters. The court's decision vindicates the LNP's actions and sends a clear message that the party will not tolerate misconduct by its members.
